
"only LOVE can do that"

You know that ice breaker question people ask, "if you were to have dinner with any 7 people, dead or alive, who would you choose?  Well, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is on my list.  Happy Birthday, MLK.

Love, Jayme

Happy Holidays from Uruguay

 I hope you all had a sweet holiday!  My little family returned from our travels in Uruguay a couple weeks ago feeling rested and full of love.  Half of our family lives in Uruguay so we feel so lucky every time we have the opportunity to go visit and enjoy our family, the beach, the sun, and the amazing foods and friends.  The highlight of our trip was seeing our Niko surf for the first time.  He stood on the first wave we put him on... this kid has talent!  Even I had a chance to surf some waves when "Abu" (grandpa) was watching the littles.  I can't think of a better way to have spent our holidays.  I hope you all had sweet family time as well!  I hope you enjoy the pics below!

ox, jayme

images and photograpy are a copyright of jayme marie desings
custom design by blogs and lattes