
It is Well With My Soul

It is well with my soul, and I pray the same for you.  This is a new art piece I am working on and I hope it inspires you. xo

love, jayme

You are worthy

This photo was taken of me four months after my 14 year marriage fell apart.  The girl in this photo was so heartbroken that it hurt to breath.  They say that grief is a powerful emotion, and I know this to be true.  The man I loved decided he needed out.  In so many words he said I was not good enough, I was not worthy.  These are the words I felt so heavy, and at times still face a year later.

The girl in this photo couldn't eat, woke at 3 am in the morning with nightmares of her reality and was so exhausted emotionally that it took every bit of me to continue to care for my children.
This is a pain many people know too well.  Grief hits us all at some point in our lives, whether it be the passing or loss of a loved one, or a failed relationship.  The heartbreak and emotional pain becomes so strong that you feel physically ill. It's a pain like no other.

If this is you today...if you are experiencing trauma and loss.  I want you to know that you are not alone.  There are days where you may feel as if you won't make it, and that you cannot go on.  I want to be a voice that tells you to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Live minute to minute if you have to.  Eventually, those minutes will grow into hours, and those hours for me have now grown into weeks. Weeks of happiness.  It's a slow process that requires SO. MUCH. PATIENCE.  But the YOU on the other end of this trauma is stronger, has more self love, and will be able to give and receive love like you never did before.  Allow yourself time to heal, let your friends and family walk with you and love on you.  If you have a belief system, then lean into that.  For me, praying to God has helped me lean on something larger than myself, in a time where I was barely here. 

You, dear love, are so worthy. In time your mourning will become less, and joy will become more. Just hold tight for one more minute, for one more night.


A Valentine's Day Post

"Just when you think you know love, something little comes along to remind you just how big it really is." 

This valentine's and last years valentine's were different the 17 valentine's before that. This valentine's there was no one to wake up next to, no surprise flowers or chocolates or gifts. And yet, I've never felt more love. I find myself being even more focused on just how grateful I am for the love that is all around me. I have friends who are my sanity and family who are always there for me. I also have these amazing little people. These little people who have taught me what true love is, and who push me to always grow and be the best I can be for them. 

Whatever your Valentine's day looks like, I pray you find time to be grateful for the love that is all around you. 


All of This is Life

Life is full of hard times and beautiful times,"...for all of this is life." I'm learning to have gratitude for both.

love, jayme

Be brave, my soul

I needed this reminder today and I pray it gives you hope as well.  We are stronger and braver than we know.  If we hold on, and keep hoping and putting one foot in front of the other, love and goodness and beauty will find us.  We must always believe.

love, jayme

Touch the Rain

"Touch the Rain" May you have the courage to feel your pain; rather than mask is, to sit in it's darkness; instead of ignoring it. May you have the bravery to face it straight on, because that is when it will teach you, and that is when you will begin to heal.

love, jayme

Sunshine comes to all who feel rain

The past few years of my life have been hard, and the past year has been the hardest season I've been through.  We all have hard seasons, and no matter what your difficult season is (divorce, loss of job,  a sick family member, loss of a loved one, or a low time), it can seem impossible that there could be better times ahead.

This year my moto has been to simply put one foot in front of the next, and keep moving forward. It has kept me going on days where planning weeks or months out would have been overwhelming and impossible. Then there are days where hope shines through, and small moments where you realize there could just be, "... a thousand beautiful things waiting for you." I wish today is a day of hope for you!

love, jayme

images and photograpy are a copyright of jayme marie desings
custom design by blogs and lattes